Prayer Resources

Growing into Silence

RECOMMENDED READING BOOK to cover all basic prayer skills

Following the highly popular BBC series ‘The Big Silence’, this year’s Archdiocesan Lenten Reading Book is ‘Growing into Silence’. This is an easy to read and easy to use book for individuals or groups and ideal for parish faith formation, especially growth in prayer and reflection. The Archdiocesan Pastoral Resources Office will produce guidelines for Group Leaders, for those who wish to use this is in a communal setting. This resource is also adaptable for ecumenical groups.

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Daily Prayer

Pray as you go

Sacred Space


Prayer Resources

Prayer resources (PDF)

THEOLOGY for CATECHESIS Hours of God; God’s  invitation to relationship through prayer (PDF)

Learn about prayer and scripture  through the  Discerning Hearts website.

Personal Prayer Life tips and suggestions from Loyola Press

Prayer & Spirituality Resources


Online Retreat

Online Ignatian Retreat based on the Spiritual Exercises

34 week online retreat


in book form

Retreat in the Real World: Finding Intimacy with God Wherever You Are
Andy Alexander and Maureen McCann Waldron

Want to learn more?

For Prayer Courses and access to Spiritual Directors and retreats visit The Epiphany Group website.