From conception human beings are “fearfully and wonderfully made” (Psalm 139) to know, love and serve God. From before birth God knows and loves us: “for you were made in my image” (Gen 1: 27) and “I knit you together in your mother’s womb” (Ps 139)
All life is precious and valuable to God: “you were not a mistake, for all your days are written in my book” (Ps 139). This is the basis of our care for others: we are called to imitate the care of Christ, to live a gospel of life.
In Scotland today our society frequently rejects God’s image in the unborn child and her mother. In Edinburgh, there are around 2,700 abortions– over 100 classrooms of children – every year. We face a reality where abortion is allowed by the state, encouraged by the media and paid for by the NHS. This culture of death (John Paul II) is deeply embedded in our city and country.
As a parish there is much we can do:
We pray – in our bidding prayers and private thoughts, for unborn children and their mothers
We give – by supporting pro-life events such as the annual White Flower appeal or the Cardinal Winning Pro-Life initiative
We act – by writing to our elected representatives or questioning them about their voting intentions at election times.
Pro-Life work in St Columba’s is co-ordinated by the Parish Pro-Life Group. Contact [email protected] for more info
There are many organisations that help unborn children and their mothers in Scotland:
Pregnancy support:
“You have a choice, we will help you”
Cardinal Winning Pro-Life Initiative: 0141 433 2680 or 07377 565291 This initiative offers non-judgemental support for mothers and their babies, born and unborn. Anyone, from any ethnic origin, any religion or none, faced with a difficult pregnancy is welcome to make contact for loving help and support.
St Andrews Children’s Society – 0131 454 3370. St Andrew’s Children’s Society is a voluntary adoption agency based in Edinburgh and operating within a 60 mile radius of the city.
Post Abortion healing:
“We understand, let us help”
Arch Trust – 0845 603 8501 (office hours, Monday – Friday & between 7pm and 10pm – 7 evenings per week).
“Campaign for change”
Society for the Protection of Unborn Children – 0141 221 2094. SPUC values every human life, from conception to natural death and, since 1967, this organisation has united communities across the UK to protect and stand with the most vulnerable among us.
Care Not Killing Scotland CNK is a UK-based alliance bringing together disability and human rights groups, healthcare providers, and faith-based bodies to promote more and better palliative care and ensure that existing laws against euthanasia and assisted suicide are not weakened or repealed.